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A Step-by-Step Guide on how to start your studies in Poland.

The level of the education system in Poland has been improving steadily within the last ten years. At the same time, not only the quality of teaching has improved, but also the number of international students has been growing constantly and a lot has been done to make their stay in Poland as comfortable as possible.

Interestingly enough, among universities in Poland, there are both some of the oldest in the world with impressive historical traditions, as Jagiellonian University in Cracow, founded in 1364 and some very new and very modern universities. It is your choice where to apply!

Bologna Process is implemented at all universities in the country. Polish universities offer the students a wide range of areas of studies from technical and medical specialties to economics, finance, and social sciences. 

Below you can find the listed types of studies and their duration: 

  • Bachelor of Arts - 3 years (6 semesters) 

  • Bachelor of Science - 3.5 years (7-8 semesters) 

  • Master’s Degree - 1.5 - 2 years (3-4 semesters) 

  • Long cycle Master's Degree (for Medical Specialities, Psychology and Law) lasts for 5-6 years (10-12 semesters) 

  • Postgraduate studies - 1 - 1.5 years (1-2 semesters) 

There is a quite common non-degree programme called “Zerówka” - a 9-months preparatory course for future students. It includes classes of the Polish language and a couple of other subjects. After completing the course participants get a certificate confirming their level of Polish proficiency. 

Alternatively if one does want to improve their English language skills there is option to enroll for English preparatory school (also 9-months) with aim of entering degree program upon completion the course.

Recognition of Foreign Higher Education Degrees in Poland

General information

A degree awarded by an institution operating in the education system of an EU, OECD or EFTA country, upon completion of:

• 3-year studies or first cycle studies with the nominal duration of min. 3 years – confirms possession of a first cycle degree in Poland

• second cycle studies or long cycle studies with the nominal duration of min. 4 years

– confirms possession of a second cycle degree in Poland.



A foreign degree awarded by an institution operating in another country may be recognised as equivalent to a Polish one either on the basis of an international agreement or (if there are no such agreements) by way of nostrification. Nostrification is a procedure aimed at recognising a foreign diploma as an equivalent to a Polish diploma. After successful nostrification an appropriate Polish academic degree can be used. The competent authorities to conduct the nostrification procedure with regard to higher education diplomas (university degrees) are organisational units of higher education institutions authorised to confer the academic degree of a doktor (doctor) in a given field of science or in a given field of art. 

Recognition for the purpose of further studies A foreign degree giving access to further studies or the right to start doctoral proceedings in the country where it was awarded, gives its holder access to second cycle studies, post-graduate studies, third cycle / doctoral studies or the right to start doctoral proceedings in Poland. A foreign degree may also be recognised for the purpose of further education on the basis of an international agreement. For the purpose of further studies nostrification procedure is not needed.

Information concerning recognition of maturity certificates can be obtained at the Ministry of National Education (Department of International Cooperation).

Steps to apply a Polish University


​Tuition Fee

Full-time studies (in the Polish language) at the state Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are free for Polish students and foreigners who commence studies in Poland on terms applicable to Polish citizens (see: define your status). These include citizens of the EU/EEA and students who hold the Polish Charter (Karta Polaka). All other foreigners are required to pay tuition fees that on average are the following:

  • EUR 2000 per year for the first, second and long cycle studies,

  • EUR 3000 per year for postgraduate as well as scientific, arts, specialist and post-doctoral internships,

  • EUR 2000 per year for an annual preparatory Polish language course to commence studies in Polish

Fees at public and non-public HEIs are established by the institution itself under the condition that they cannot be lower than the costs of the education process. The tuition fees range from EUR 2000 to 6000 per year and depend on the institution and study program (for MBA programs: about EUR 8000-12,000 per year).

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